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Jim - James Montgomery Alexander
an old white guy

Revised 8-30-2022
The Real Unprivileged is an autobiographical novel by author, James Montgomery Alexander.

The story is set in Detroit, Michigan, from the 1960s through the 1990s. From the 1970s and on, Detroit was known as the Murder Capital of the World.

Although outnumbered by his peers, he still tried to be a servant of the public that needed him. He let people breathe. He took his job seriously. He wanted people to get their tax dollars worth.

Follow him though a police career with a little of his growing up and the Marine Corps life.

He understands white privilege and how it gave him an unfair advantage.

Being an INTP, not only made his world different, but also quite interesting.

If you like dry humor, facetiousness and sarcasm, then this book is for you!

The paperback contains 347 pages and is available for $9.99 on Amazon. The Kindle eBook is only $2.99.

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